Manoj Gupta
by Manoj Gupta



Golang is an open-source, compiled, and statically typed programming language designed by Google. It is built to be simple, high-performing, readable, and efficient.

Golang Types

Data types are categorized into four categories as shown below.


Functions vs Methods

Function definition consists of func keyword, function name, parameters and return values if any exists.


Methods are functions that contain a receiver argument in their signature. Receiver arguments are used to access the properties of the receiver. The receiver can be a struct or non-struct type.


Concurrent programming

Golang enables two types of concurrent programming: goroutines and channels.

If goroutines are the activities of a concurrent go program, channels are the connections between them.


Each concurrently excuting activity is gcalled a goroutine.

New goroutines are created by go statement.

    f()     // call f(); wait for it to return
    go f()  // create a new goroutine that calls f(); don't wait

Other than by returning from main or exiting the program, there is no programmatic way for one goroutine to stop another.


A channel is a mechanism that lets one goroutine send values to another goroutine.

To create a channel, we use built-in make function.

    ch := make(chan int)        // `ch` has type `chan int`

A channel is a reference to data structure created by make. Two channels of the same type may be compared using ==. The comparison is true if both are references to the same channel data structure. A channel may also be compared to nil.

channel support three operations: send, receive and close

    ch <- x     // send statement
    x = <-ch    // receive expression in assignment statment
    <-ch        // receive statement, result is discarded
    close(ch)   // close operation

A send statement transmits a value from one goroutine, through the channel, to another goroutine executing a corresponding receive expression.

A close operation sets a flag indicating no more values can be sent to this channel; subsequent attempts to send will panic. Receive operations on a closed channel yield the values that have been sent until no more values are left; any receive operations thereafter complete immediately and yield the zero value of the channel’s element type.

Unbuffered and Buffered Channels

A channel created with a simple call to make is called an unbuffered channel, but make accepts an optional second argument, an integer called the channel’s capacity. If the capacity is non-zero, make creates a buffered channel.

    ch = make(chan int)     // unbuffered channel
    ch = make(chan int, 0)  // unbuffered channel
    ch = make(chan int, 3)  // buffered channel with capacity 3

A send operation on an unbuffered channel blocks the sending goroutine until another goroutine executes a corresponding receive on the same channel, at which point the value is transmitted and both goroutines may continue. Conversely, if the receive operation was attempted first, the receiving goroutine is blocked until another goroutine performs a send on the same channel.

A buffered channel has a queue of elements. The queue’s maximum size is determined when it is created, by the capacity argument to make.

Unidirectional Channel Types

To document channel usage intent and prevent misuse, the Go type system provides unidirectional channel types that expose only one or the other of the send and receive operations.

    chan<- int   // send-only channel of int, allows sends only
    <-chan int   // receive-only channel of int, allows receives only

Violations of this discipline are detected at compile time.

Since the close operation asserts that no more sends will occur on a channel, only the sending goroutine is in a position to call it, and for this reason it is a compile-time error to attempt to close a receive-only channel.

Multiplexing with select

General form of a select statement is shown below. Like a switch statement, it has a number of cases and an optional default. Each case specifies a communication (a send or receive operation on some channel) and an associated block of statements.

    select {
    case <-ch1:
    // ...
    case x := <-ch2:
    // ...use x...
    case ch3 <- y:
    // ...
    // ...

A select waits until a communication for some case is ready to proceed. It then performs that communication and executes the case’s associated statements; the other communications do not happen. A select with no cases, select{}, waits forever.


There is no way for one goroutine to terminate another directly, since that would leave all its shared variables in undefined states. But what if we need to cancel two goroutines, or an arbitrary number?

For cancellation, we need is a reliable mechanism to broadcast an event over a channel so that many goroutines can see it as it occurs and can later see that it has occurred.

As we know, after a channel has been closed and drained of all sent values, subsequent receive operations proceed immediately, yielding zero values. We can exploit this to create a broadcast mechanism: don’t send a value on the channel, close it.

To to this, we create a cancellation channel on which no values are ever sent, but whose closure indicates that it is time for the program to stop what it is doing. All goroutines which need to be communicated of an event does receive on this channel. The goroutine which need to broadcast event simply close this channel.

Sync Package

The sync package is an essential part of the Golang concurrency implementation, which supports only two types, Mutex and RWMutex.

Mutual Exclusion: sync.Mutex

Mutex is an implementation of an exclusive lock, based on which all the synchronization logic is built. It has 3 API functions: Lock, Unlock and TryLock.

Lock method acquires the token (called a lock) and its Unlock method releases it. Each time a goroutine accesses shared variables, it must call the mutex’s Lock method to acquire an exclusive lock. If some other goroutine has acquired the lock, this operation will block until the other goroutine calls Unlock and the lock becomes available again. The mutex guards the shared variables.

TryLock tries to take the lock and reports whether it succeeded.

Read/WriteMutexes: sync.RWMutex

RWMutex allows read-only operations to proceed in parallel with each other (RLOCK method), but write operations to have fully exclusive access (RUnlock method). This lock is called a multiple readers, single writer lock. It is applicable for sync scenarios with more reads and fewer writes.

Lazy Initialization: sync.Once

It is good practice to defer an expensive initialization step until the moment it is needed. Initializing a variable up front increases the start-up latency of a program and is unnecessary if execution doesn’t always reach the par t of the program that uses that variable.

Once has only one Do method, and accepts only one func parameter.

In the implementation, a Mutex and uint guarantees that Once is executed only once, turning the unit from 0 to 1 after execution.


func main() {
  var once sync.Once
  onceBody := func() {
  // some heavy operations
  done := make(chan bool)
  for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
    go func() {
    once.Do(onceBody) // onceBody will only be called once.
    done <- true
  for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {

Wait for Others: sync.WaitGroup

WaitGroup allows one or more goroutines to be blocked by a set of executing groutinues. It provides three methods:

  • Add adds delta sync-waiting goroutines.
  • Done reduces 1 from the counter after a goroutine finishes executing.
  • Wait implemented through an infinite for loop internally, exit upon the counter returns to 0, enabling the blocked goroutine to continue executing.

A typical WaitGroup usage is as follows:

wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {  // executing goroutines for which main goroutine want to wait
wg.Add(1) // Add one for each goroutine
go func() {
  // execute logic
  wg.Done()  // declare finished
wg.Wait()  // main goroutine is blocked till all goroutines finishes


Pool purpose is to cache allocated but unused items for later reuse, relieving pressure on the garbage collector. That is, it makes it easy to build efficient, thread-safe free lists.

It can save memory overhead and reduce GC pressure in some cases.

  • Get gets an object from the Pool with a key.
  • Put puts a key and an object into Pool.


For scenarios with a large number of calls to the Log method, we obtain a Buffer from Pool and put it back to reduce the creation of Buffer.

var bufPool = sync.Pool{
  New: func() any {
  return new(bytes.Buffer)
func Log(w io.Writer, key, val string) {
  b := bufPool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer)
  // Replace this with time.Now() in a real logger.
  b.WriteByte(' ')


Map is a Concurrent Map implementation. The two most common suitable scenarios are:

  • When the entry for a given key is only ever written once but read many times, as in caches that only grow.
  • When multiple goroutines read, write, and overwrite entries for disjoint sets of keys.

Generally, sync.Map is more efficient than the synchronous map implemented by map + RWMutex.

Type, Interface and Reflection

Understanding Type, Interface and Reflection should be done together because interface is a special type and reflection is built on types.

Golang is statically typed language. Every variable has a static type, that is, exactly one type known and fixed at compile time: int, float32, *UserType, []byte etc.


One important category of type is interface types, which represent fixed sets of methods. Any type that implements these methods is said to implement the interface.

Interfaces are statically typed: a variable of interface type always has the same static type, and even though at run time the value stored in the interface variable may change type, that value will always satisfy the interface. An extremely important example of an interface type is the empty interface interface{} which represents the empty set of methods and is satisfied by any value.

A variable of interface type stores a pair: the concrete value assigned to the variable, and that value’s type descriptor. To be more precise, the value is the underlying concrete data item that implements the interface and the type describes the full type of that item.

Let’s defined an interface shape, which has two methods Area and Perimeter that accepts no arguments and return float64 value.

// Shape is an interface
type Shape interface {
    Area() float64
    Perimeter() float64

Since the interface is a type just like a struct, we can create a variable of its type. Let’s create a variable s of type interface Shape and print it’s type and value.

var s shape
fmt.Printf("Type of s is %T\n", s)
fmt.Printf("Value of s is %v\n", s)

It has zero value and nil type as variable s is just declard of type Shape but not assigned any value.

Type of s is <nil>
Value of s is <nil>

Any type that implements these methods (with exact method signatures) will also implement Shape interface. Let’s define a new type Rectangle which implements Shape interface

// Rectangle is a type which implements `Shape` interface
type Rectangle struct {
	length  float64
	breadth float64

// Area of Rectangle
func (r Rectangle) Area() float64 {
	return r.length * r.breadth

// Perimeter of Rectangle
func (r Rectangle) Perimeter() float64 {
	return 2 * (r.length + r.breadth)

Now, create of variable of type Rectangle and assing it to s and print type and value of s.

var s Shape
s = Rectangle{1, 2}
fmt.Printf("Type of s is %T\n", s)
fmt.Printf("Value of s is %v\n", s)

We can see that, dynamic type of s is now main.Rectangle and dynamic value of s is the value of the struct Rect which is {1 2}.

Type of s is main.Rectangle
Value of s is {1 2}

Two interface variables are equal if both of these variable holds the same dynamic type and dynamic value. Let’s define one more variable r of Rectangle type and having same value {1, 2}

var s Shape
s = Rectangle{1, 2}
r := Rectangle{1, 2}
fmt.Printf("Type of s is %T\n", s)
fmt.Printf("Value of s is %v\n", s)
fmt.Println("s == r is ", s == r)

They are equal as shown below

Type of s is main.Rectangle
Value of s is {1 2}
s == r is  true


interface value => reflection object

Reflection is a mechanism to examine the type and value pair stored inside an interface variable. The reflect package provides two types: Type and Value, which provide access to the content of an interface variable. Also, two functions: reflect.TypeOf and reflect.ValueOf, retrieve reflect.Type and reflect.Value pieces out of an interface value.

Important methods in reflect.Type and reflect.Value:

  • reflect.Value has a Type method that returns the Type of a reflect.Value.
  • Both reflect.Type and reflect.Value have a Kind method that returns a constant indicating what sort of item is stored.

reflection object => interface value

Like physical reflection, reflection in Go generates its own inverse.

Interface method returns interface value from reflect.Value. This method packs the type and value information back into an interface representation and returns the result:

// Interface returns v's value as an interface{}.
func (v Value) Interface() interface{}

The value must be settable t0 modify a reflection object

Settability is a property of a reflection Value, and not all reflection Values have it. It’s the property that a reflection object can modify the actual storage that was used to create the reflection object. Settability is determined by whether the reflection object holds the original item.

The CanSet method of Value reports the settability of a Value.

Using reflection to modify the fields of a structure

We create the reflection object with the address of the struct because we’ll want to modify it later. Then we set typeOfT to its type and iterate over the fields using method calls. Note that we extract the names of the fields from the struct type, but the fields themselves are regular reflect.Value objects.

type Rectangle struct {
	Length  int
	Breadth float64

t := Rectangle{5, 6.6}
s := reflect.ValueOf(&t).Elem()
typeOfT := s.Type()
for i := 0; i < s.NumField(); i++ {
    f := s.Field(i)
    fmt.Printf("%d: %s %s = %v\n", i,
        typeOfT.Field(i).Name, f.Type(), f.Interface())


0: Length int = 5
1: Breadth float64 = 6.6

Note: The field names of Rectangle are upper case (exported) because only exported fields of a struct are settable.

Because s contains a settable reflection object, we can modify the fields of the structure.



fmt.Println("t is now", t)

If we modified the program so that s was created from t, not &t, the calls to SetInt and SetFloat would fail as the fields of t would not be settable.


JSON is an encoding of JavaScript values—strings, numbers, booleans, arrays, and objects —as Unicode text. It’s an efficient yet readable representation for the basic data types of arrays, slices, structs, and maps.

Go has excellent support for encoding and decoding JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format, provided by the standard library package encoding/json.

  • Converting a Go data structure to JSON is called marshaling. Marshaling is done by json.Marshal. Marshal produces a byte slice containing a very long string with no white space. For human consumption, a variant called json.MarshalIndent produces neatly indented output.
  • The inverse operation to marshaling, decoding JSON and populating a Go data structure, is called unmarshaling, and it is done by json.Unmarshal.
  • Another useful function is json.Indent. It can be used to produced indented output from an existing JSON text. An example usage is shown below.
func main() {
	input := []byte(`{"login": "sample-id","id": 12345678}`)

func prettify(input []byte) []byte {
	var prettyJSON bytes.Buffer
	error := json.Indent(&prettyJSON, input, "", "\t")
	if error != nil {
		fmt.Println("JSON parse error: ", error)
		return []byte{}
	return prettyJSON.Bytes()

Text and HTML Templates

A template is a string or file containing one or more portions enclosed in double braces, { {} }, called actions. Most of the string is printed literally, but each action contains an expression in the template language for

  • Printing values
  • Selecting struct fields
  • Calling functions and methods
  • Expressing control flow such as if-else statements
  • Range loops
  • Instantiating other templates

Good article explaing templates is at Gopher Academy Blog


Static vs Dynamic Linking

It is well known that Golang creates static binaries by default. I was surprised to find out all the Golang binaries that I was using were using dynamic linking. This was easily verified by using file command on binary

$ file test.gobin
file test.gobin:      ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped

To find out the libaries being linked, use ldd command

$ ldd test.gobin =>  (0x00007ffd4b7ed000) => /lib64/ (0x00000032d6e00000) => /lib64/ (0x00000032d6600000)
        /lib64/ (0x0000560e965ba000)

The reason is the usage of CGO indirectly just by including the package “net”.

There are two packages which uses CGO.

  • net
  • os/user

Number literal prefixes

Go 1.13 allowed number literal prefixes, which allowed digit seperators among other things. The digits of any number literal may now be separated (grouped) using underscores, such as in 1_000_000, 0b_1010_0110, or 3.1415_9265. An underscore may appear between any two digits or the literal prefix and the first digit.
